Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Event production Vs Film production: Similarities and differences


When we look back at life, we remember the important events in our life such as marriage, birthdays, etc. Events are something to remember as they bring people together but organizing such events is really hard. One needs to handle a huge mass of people and their expectations. Here is where event production comes into play.

Event production

Event production is a technological and creative execution of events. This uses sound, lighting, video, design, etc. for controlling the atmosphere which indirectly sets the mood of the event. A professional who is an expert in this field is the event producer. The event producer provides consultation and support for any type of event that the client wants to organize. He further assists the client with a customized service according to his needs and the functions of the event. Mainly he looks at the message that the event needs to be conveyed through the event more than just finishing the event successfully. So an event producer focuses on live, stage presentation of the event. Hence, he works with presenters, audiovisual crews, and technology vendors to produce and deliver an amazing event with a meaningful message out of it.

An event producer work on the following events:

  1. Corporate event 
  2. Live sporting events
  3. Televised events and broadcasts

Now that we know what event production is all about, let us look at film production and how they two are connected and different from each other.

Film production

For digital video, photography, television, and film, production is the term that refers to the tasks that must be done during and after filming or shooting. These tasks might include tasks such as the setting up of scenes, capturing the raw footage, and using set designs. As production is of two types which are post-production and pre-production the earlier tasks mentioned come under pre-production.

Therefore, pre-production can be said that the tasks that need to be done before shooting an event. This helps to set the mood of the film. While post-production is tasks that are done after filming. These tasks include picture editing, sound editing, music, visual effects, sound mixing, color correction, graphics, and advertising. 


Event production is a great marketing tool for many companies. It helps with retaining customers and even make new ones. As it is a great marketing tool, one can market their films and get them out there to the world with the help of event production. Therefore, one could say that event production helps with the ultimate promotion and wider reach of the audience. That is why production studios are thinking outside the box and combine technology and event to create an interactive event online and offline. Hosting an online event also helped with experiential marketing. Here the audience is provided with an opportunity to put themselves in the film with help of visual effects and grab the attention of a larger audience.

Therefore, both event production and film production can create something big and unique together.





Event management: Dealing with Unexpected Hiccups

 Even with the maximum effort one puts into the forthcoming events, it is human nature to fear the unknown. Hence, we tend to see and understand what might take place in the future. Moreover, to add to this fear our past experiences also want us to make sure that it does not repeat itself again. Thus, making us stressful than we are already. 


The fear that we are talking about here not only creates more tension but also makes sure we stick to what we have already i.e., makes us stick to what we are familiar with. This is not something good to think about as when it comes to event planning and managing, you need to constantly try so many things and find so many ways to manage new events with new scenarios. In addition, during this stage of fear, it is hard to convince ourselves to try and take a brave step because the brain keeps us saying that “If you are going to have little or no control over the outcome then why risk it?”. Now due to this question, we get in between the desire to create something new but also to stick with the plan. And once we are stuck in between it starts to affect our confidence and ability to meet with the issue.


So, the biggest question is how do we solve this issue without getting stuck in this loophole?

You see in event management there is only a 0% chance that everything will go right. Yes, 0% chance. Somewhere along the way, something or someone will cause a hiccup. It does not necessarily have to be a big issue but it would still cause major trouble. Here the important thing we forget is that it is not the problem that is causing a mess but it is actually the way we react to it. Just like any other thing in life, event management will have a lot of hiccups. Yet the way we react to it matters the most. When we sit there for a min, think clearly, and come up with a solution it tends to happen that the event will go smooth. And just like all the experiences we take in life, we should take this as an experience and get up, skill up better and fight harder next time. 


Nowadays event management has become one of the most stressful jobs out there. Organizing, managing, directing a mass of individuals and their requirements has become a stressful task. So it is important to keep a still, calm yet alert mind to not only concentrate but also to come out with a great solution for any problem that might exist. One must always remember that proper preparation leads to confidence, a clam mind which can help you solve anything and just hold onto that key.